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MSc. Zorica Nikolova

Psychologist, Systematic Family Counselor

Zorica Nikolova is a licensed psychologist with a special license in the field of occupational psychology, MA in Law and Criminology and Gender Sciences, psycho-diagnostic practitioner, and systematic family counselor.

As part of the Neocortex Center, she works in psychological counseling and psycho-education of young and adults, psycho diagnostics, personal growth and development, and also actively applies family-systemic psychotherapy in working with individuals, partnerships, and families.

In the ten years of professional experience so far, he has been engaged in several non-governmental and governmental institutions, as well as realized international projects. As part of the work engagement in the NGO HOPS-Options for Healthy Life and Penitentiary Idrizovo, she worked on psycho diagnostics and psychological counseling of convicts and persons who are users of narcotics. As part of Brainbrain, the International Academy for the Development of Skills and Abilities in Children, and the Alternative Institute, he has worked in psycho-education, family dynamics and relationships, and positive parenting. She is currently professionally engaged in the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights as a head of a shelter center and a psychologist who works in psycho-social support and counseling for people who identify as LGBT + and are victims of discrimination and violence.