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Импостор синдром - Синдром на „измамник'' кај жените со Психотерапевт Хаџиванова


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Менопаузата како природна транзиција - Психотерапевт Хаџиванова


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„Ментално здравје за време на бременоста и постнатална депресија“ Психотерапевт Хаџиванова


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Зборуваме на многу важни теми поврзани со тинејџерите и адолесцентите: булинг, себе-повредување, лесна достапност на психоактивни супстанци, тренд на изолација, анксиозност и депресија. М-р Ивана Хаџиванова и Миа Костова


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Што е НЕВЕРСТВО, и дали би простиле!? - Психотерапевт Хаџиванова во Нешто Конкретно


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"Postpartum depression and postpartum grief" with Psychotherapist Ivana Hadjivanova from NEOCORTEX


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"Mental health of young people - How to protect it?"


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On the subject of "STRESS" with Psychotherapist Hadzivanova from NEOCORTEX


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"Do we care about mental health and how much?" Psychotherapist Psychologist Hadzivanova from Neocortex
On the occasion of the day of mental health, review of the topic with a visit to Healthy Macedonia by Psychotherapist Hadzivanova from Neocortex.


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"Sexual violence and the silence of the victims" - Psychologist Hadzivanova from Neocortex

Why are victims of sexual violence silent? How to recognize signs of sexual abuse in children? How should parents respond and protect them, and how should they talk to them? Can the profile of this type of perpetrator be recognized? for A1.on


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Psychotherapist Hadzivanova - "Professional help, psychological support and treatment of mental health"
For Sitel TV, Psychologist Hadzivanova, founder of NEOCORTEX, explains what professional psychological and psychotherapeutic help means, when it is necessary to seek it, what people usually ask for support, and whether the stigma is already overcome.


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,,Mental health and the importance of psychotherapy'' - Psychotherapist Hadjivanova – NEOCORTEX- Psychotherapy and Mental Health Center

Психотерапевт Хаџиванова основач на НЕОКОРТЕКС – Центар за психотерапија, психодијагностика, тренинг и едукација објаснува што ни се случува периодов низ Ковид -19 пандемијата, зошто е важна психотерапијата и стручната поддршка, и како полесно да минуваме низ кризата.


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"Stress and anxiety durign the Covid-19 pandemic" Psychotherapist Hadjivanova – NEOCORTEX- Psychotherapy and Mental Health Center

Психотерапевт Хаџиванова за Алфа Тв, говори за стресот и анксиозноста низ корона пандемијата и генералното нарушување на психичкото здравје, за белегот на новите генерации и децата, како и предизвиците при одлуките во однос на образованието.


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“Depression and pregnancy” – Psychotherapist Hadjivanova – NEOCORTEX- Psychotherapy and Mental Health Center

MSc. Ivana Hadjivanova, Psychologist – Psychotherapist from NEOCORTEX – Psychotherapy and Mental Health Center, gave a short statement for the TV channel MRT1 on the subject of “Depression and pregnancy”. Depression during pregnancy should be treated duly, because it affects the development of the foetus, the duration of the pregnancy, the future development of the child, as well as the psychological condition of the new mother even after the delivery of the baby.


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“Aggression in children” - Psychotherapist Hadjivanova – Neocortex - Psychotherapy and Mental Health Center

For the TV Channel MTV1, Psychotherapist Hadjivanova – Neocortex – Psychotherapy and Mental Health Center. Important subject for every parent.


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“Night terrors and nightmares in children” - Psychotherapist Hadjivanova, Neocortex - Psychotherapy and Mental Health Center

Psychotherapist Hadjivanova, Neocortex – Psychotherapy and Mental Health Center talks about the night terrors and the petrifying night terrors in early childhood, for the TV show “My child” on MRT1.


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Psychotherapist Hadjivanova, Neocortex – “Taking care of our mental health during the Covid-19 Pandemic” in the TV show Vizita

Guest at the TV show Vizita, speaking openly about the psychological and the bodily reactions of the stress on our personality, children and marriage, and the importance of mental health and mental well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic. Psychologist, Psychotherapist Hadjivanova – Neocortex


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Psychotherapist Hadjivanova – speaking about bullying – How to recognize bullying and what to do about it

Psychologist, Psychotherapist Hadjivanova speaking for the TV Channel Alfa TV, gives answers regarding the violence and the bullying in children and adolescents, the reasons and the bigger picture behind it and the consequences from it, as well as the responsibility that parents and the educational system bear regarding the bullying phenomenon.


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Training for overcoming the anxiety of public speaking

In collaboration with the Center for public speaking lead by Marija Dimishkova, we realize training created with the purpose of surmounting the fear and the anxiety of public speaking, as well as improving the presentation and communication skills.

Psychologist, Psychotherapist Hadjivanova on the subject “Compulsive selfie-taking” for the TV show Backstage Macedonia

Psychologist, Psychotherapist Hadjivanova from NEOCORTEX gave a short comment for the TV channel Kanal 5, on the subject of “Compulsive selfie-taking”


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Mental Health – Vital in the holistic treatment of people with rare diseases, as well as their families

Specialized training for psychologists, psychoterapists and mental health professionals, led by the Psychologist, Psychotherapist Hadjivanova

The training was organized with the Association of citizens for rare diseases “Life with challenges” that collaborates with Psychotherapist Hadjivanova, and had the purpose to offer the knowledge and the experience from the work done until now with this category of clients, and to expand the network of available and trained professionals that would offer psychological support free of charge, through the whole country.

Psychologist, Psychotherapist Hadjivanova talking about “Anxiety and panic attacks”

Guest at the TV show Vizita with the respectful journalist Biljana Debarlieva at the TV Channel Kanal 5. MSc. Ivana Hadjivanova, Psychologist, Psychotherapist on “Anxiety and panic attacks”


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Guest at the TV show Tunel, TV Channel MRT, hosting the respectful journalist Zhivkica Kalenikova, on the subject /“Depression”.

Guest at the TV show Tunel, TV Channel MRT, hosting the respectful journalist Zhivkica Kalenikova, on the subject /“Depression”.


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Psychologist Hadjivanova – “Do celebrities visit psychoterapists, and what for?” – TV Show Backstage

Miro Kacarov from TV show Backstage visits NEOCORTEX Psychotherapy and Mental Health Center. Short chat on the subject: celebrities and psychologists: do celebrities go to therapy, do they have any psychological difficulties, which ones, do they talk openly about their psychological conditions, and are they easy to work with.


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Psychoterapist Hadjivanova, alerts: “Parents, watch out, there are dangerous games on the Internet!”

MSc. Ivana Hadjivanova Gestalt Psychotherapist alerts that there are many violent internet games that are very popular among children, but also very dangerous for them. There have already been several cases where professional help was sought because of the consequences gaming had on children.

NEOCORTEX – Psychotherapy and Mental Health Center – for the news on Alfa TV, 29/09/2018


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MSc. Ivana Hadjivanova Psychotherapist. The influence the cartoons and commercials have on children

Guest in the show Mediateka at MTV Channel, on the importance of media education, critical thinking and the utter need for selectivity while perceiving the pieces of information offered by media, as well as the influence that cartoons and commercials have on children.


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