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Individual psychotherapy

The individual therapy session is a mutual process and direct contact between the psychologist/psychotherapist and one person in therapy. Each session lasts 1 hour.

Family-Systemic therapy

The family therapy can help the members of the whole family improve the communication, surmount conflicts, life crisis and dysfunctionality at different levels.

Group psychotherapy

The group psychotherapy enables new practical as well as theoretical advises, support and feedback between the members, self-awareness, therapeutical interventions, aimed at overcoming social anxiousness and giving the opportunity for new, creative perceptions and perspectives for the purpose of changing the manner of functioning at everyday life.

Partner psychotherapy

This therapy is suitable for people engaged in emotional partner relationships, in order to obtain awareness related to their connection and dynamics, to solve conflicts, to improve the communication resulting in bigger satisfaction with the relationship or marriage.

Schedule your session at

+(389)76 496 496

Children psychotherapy

Play therapy for children

This is a treatment that helps children assess and stimulate the development aspects, as well as to express their emotions, conflicts and traumatic experiences through play, where the play serves as a medium and excellent therapy tool.

Development assessment and children psychodiagnostics

Psychological assessment and testing using battery of psychological measuring instruments, combination of tests for children, play therapy techniques , intelligence tests, projecting techniques, scales and observation of the behaviour and development assessment.


Psychodiagnostics in differential – diagnostic purposes

Psychological testing and assessment with objective psychological-measuring instruments in differential – diagnostic purposes, including psychological diagnosis and findings.

Intelligence testing for children and adults

Intelligence testing and assessment of the mental strengths, cognitive capacities and efficacies with standardized, objective psychological measuring instruments.

Psychology analysis and personality testing in therapeutical purposes

Detection of personality blockades, analysis of person’s characteristics, the character type and temperament, determination of the emotional intelligence and functional defending mechanisms, including construction of battery of psychological tests.

Psychological testing that serves as a tool for choosing the most appropriate professional orientation and assessment of competences.

Psychological testing used to conclude the qualities of the person and her/his strengths, potentials, professional tendencies and preferences, in order to choose properly the best profession/job position.

Neuropsychological diagnosis and assessment

When there is a suspicion of reduced or damaged brain functioning of any nature, the psychologist with the individual testing of the patient makes an assessment of the cognitive status and behavioral deviations, with adequate neuropsychological tests. The most frequently assessed functions are: attention and concentration; memory; learning; visual and perceptual abilities; speech-language abilities; praxis and gnosis; executive abilities; behavioral changes; mood changes (of a depressive nature, anxiety, etc.). The obtained results are issued in written form of Finding and Opinion.


Psychological Counselling

Psychological counselling that includes psycho-education, focusing at client’s psychological difficulties, it can change and improve personal and interpersonal functioning during different life phases.

Psychological Counseling for parents

Session focussing at the role of the parent and their relation, levelling educational styles, detecting certain difficulties at the subsystem, as well as offering therapeutical, advisory and psycho-educational interventions, directed at building and fortifying successful children-parents relation.

Online psychotherapy and counselling

All type of psychotherapy sessions are available and can be performed online too, for any client that can’t or prefers not to visit our Center physically, for any kind of reason.

Organizational and corporative trainings

Creating and presenting trainings for firms and large companies with the purpose of improving the work performance, improving the company culture, as well as mental health prevention

Trainings for overcoming public speaking and performance anxiety

The participation at the training is aimed at overcoming and surmounting the fear of public speaking, as well as improving the verbal and nonverbal communication and development of each own personal communicating style

Psychological workshops and psycho-education

Workshops and lectures aimed at prevention and improvement of the mental health of children, youngsters and adults, as well as the quality of life and general acting in life

Specialized educations for professionals

Creating and presenting specialized educations for mental health professionals